This is our wearable 1930's style size 5B shoes as worn by screen princess Judy Garland as Dorothy in the musical fantasy film "The Wizard of Oz." Americans tend to have a love affair with fantasy movies that dates back to the golden age of Hollywood.
These authentic handmade leather shoes are made from scratch and they can be worn just like in the classic movie. We go to great lengths to ensure the shape matches the original shoes.
The right insole contains a golden embossed label with the words
"Innes Shoe Co., Los Angeles, Pasadena, Hollywood." This is the company responsible for making the shoes for Judy Garland as Dorothy in 1938. The left insole is left blank, the same as the original ruby slippers.
Along the top of both shoe reads
"#7 Judy Garland."There's a lot of sequining work ahead to turn these beautiful mid heel pumps into the ruby slippers for a
very important person.Be sure to grab your piece of Judy Garland history with a pair of hand-sewn ruby slippers by emailing us at:
Judy Garland's size 5B shoes made to be worn

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Innes Shoe Co. golden embossed label

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