Buk Nut
Senior Member

The White man Marches on
Posts: 441
Age: 36
Awards: 2
What's modern about 2 luxury cars and a swimming pool? This is why I said you're the classic bait and hook troll. They have those things in even the poorest countries, have you ever heard of the "ruling class" and "wealth gaps," especially prevalent in Africa, where the ruling class is up to their neck in diamonds and regular people are starving. It's not easy to just forget about millions of villagers who are reproducing every day and brush them under the carpet, hoping they fade away when the top percentile of the population gets wealthier than they previously were. Obviously with the movements you support what you want is for Laos to become another Africa you fool, and impoverished Lao people might just start getting aggressive and violent like Africans when all the forests are gone and they have no land left to hunt for food, since they cannot afford to buy food in the markets. People are more durable than you think, and brushing them off to the side and hoping they just fade out will NOT work. You are supporting a recipe for disaster.
Ever been to Cambodia? Even little boys will try to attack you with glass bottles and take your money, and guess what? You will see Bentleys and Lexuses driving down the same city roads where you might get attacked. This is what your little plan will most definitely create. Even if Lao people do not turn violent, they will just get more desperate and turn to prostitution or drugs, spreading diseases and addiction all over the country, and with the primitive medical system of Laos, the shit will hit the fan.
I'm not even sure what you hope to accomplish by posting those images, you're just trying to bait like I said. I live in the USA and most of my friends don't even have those things, and I don't see them in the streets very often. Maybe the USA is just not modern enough for a poor little man like you. With what you want, you might as well just go live in Dubai, but knowing you, you just want Laos to be another Dubai.
Yeah, a few rich people will get access to these things, but the majority won't. Even in Thailand I wouldn't say the country is modern. Safety standards and social attitudes are still back in the dark ages, except they have new toys such as Facebook and cars. But even in Thailand, a much wealthier nation, the majority of people don't live like the ones in your images. Hence why I said you're a troll and I doubt you even believe your own argument. Modernization doesn't mean having a few new toys to play with, that's just hedonism and materialism. True modernization comes when Lao people are able to innovate and think for themselves instead of just playing with imported toys which they have no idea how they are made and no understanding of the process behind the development.
This time around I'm not gonna bother getting angry, your argument has more holes than swiss cheese and I'm calling you on your bluff. Insulting you just makes me look uncomposed. By the way, "western decadence"? It's becoming harder to take you seriously, you are just showing us what an ugly person you are on the inside. By the way, my apologies for the insults, I'd like to know what type of person you really are.
Modernization isn't a bad thing but what you posted isn't modernization, just a playboy lifestyle. Where are the pictures of the hospitals and other modern facilities? The university equipped with modern technology such as microscopes, labs etc? You can't provide that, only images of mere toys.