Below is the exact replica of the ruby slippers known as "the traveling shoes" that were stolen from the Judy Garland museum in 2005.
They are size 5.5, and the sequins are rich burgundy which were also used on stolen ruby slippers, known to be darker in color than other pairs of ruby slippers. This replica ruby slippers is made from vintage 1930's pumps from the days of The Wizard of Oz.
The jewels and sequins were hand-sewn, and the jewels on the bows have been aged to match its appearance today.
Judy Garland's size 5.5 replica ruby slippers
Inside the right shoe is the label, reading Innes Shoe Co. Los Angeles, Hollywood, Pasadena. Written in block letters is meant to be the name "JUDY GARLAND" as they appear on the original ruby slippers but I haven't put it in yet.
The bow and label of Judy Garland's size 5.5
replica ruby slippers
Judy Garland's size 5B replica ruby slippers