MGM Studios fed Judy Garland a chicken soup diet to keep her weight down. At meal times during a break in shooting, a small bowl of soup was served to her in the MGM cafeteria. Hamburgers, steaks, pizzas and basically any foods with high meat and fat content was a big no-no for Miss Garland, it always had to be soup.
Judy Garland was naturally chubby as a child, and the studio didn't want to have a chubby star so that was the reason behind her controlled meals. If that didn't keep her weight down then she was given diet pills.
In her later life, she said that she missed eating while growing up. A very sad and sorry story behind a wonderful actress in Judy Garland.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios fed Judy Garland a soup diet

Judy Garland shed off some weight to play Dorothy
while she maintained her beauty and youthful appearance