Judy Garland is the rarest type girl in the world. You may not meet this type of girl again, but we are lucky we still remember this girl Judy Garland. Today 2013 in Australia, her starry contribution has been noticed again by GO! TV(channel 99) and Westpac Bank. We will see Judy Garland as Dorothy every night in the TV ad and outside of the bank. What the world! She has lived again in our heart.
Some people may be confused why Australian will remember The Wizard of Oz again. The Wizard of Oz is the American culture. Why Australia does noticing The Wizard of Oz? It's easy to understand. America's called USA, Australia's called Oz. So you see the reason. Now I am a man living in "Oz" but I never meet Dorothy yet

(because wrong place, wrong location

) Therefore some people may mistake the merry old land of Oz is/ locate in Australia. Anyway they will say welcome to Oz.