llX wrote on 20
th Apr, 2011 at 5:58pm:
Education, heath care should be the top priority. Laos can learn from Cuba. Cuba has a 99.8% literacy rate, an average life expectancy of 78 same as the U.S. Their healthcare is as good as developed nation. Laos Literacy Rate Is 69%, and life expectancy is 64.
The village school in that video is in the same district and just along the river from a similar village school where we delivered your donation of school materials yesterday.
While many criticize Lao teachers for relying on traditional teaching methods, the fact is that the children who are able to go to school DO learn to read and write correctly. Something that cannot be claimed by many schools in the U.S. Many teachers in Lao schools are unqualified and untrained in new teaching methodologies, yet the children in their care DO succeed in mastering the basic skills such as literacy and numeracy.
Just as long as there is a school for the children to go to, and access the basic educational materials they need.
Enrollment in primary schools in Laos is now 83%, up from only 58% in 1991 (when I got here). The goal of the Lao government is to achieve 98% enrollment by 2015. This is one of the key Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that the government has committed itself to achieving by 2015.
You can see all of the MDGs for Laos and progress made so far at:
http://www.un.int/lao/mdglaosprogressreport.htmOld Man