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Laos politics (Read 58031 times)
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #15 - 1st Mar, 2011 at 7:35am
He must have accomplished many great things, considering that he is still a popular figure in Laos after his death, and there's a memorial built to honor him.

I don't think that many people in the current Lao Government are half Vietnamese. President Choummaly Sayasone and Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong don't come from a Vietnamese background.

Thailand wants to keep Laos poor, they're happy that we're poor, because we don't have the ability and resources to make our own goods and therefore we must continue to purchase goods from their country.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #16 - 1st Mar, 2011 at 10:28pm
It's does make sense. Thai, Viet both want to keep Lao poor. So Lao will work as cheap labors in Thailand, Laos depend on Thai and buy their products. If Laos is too wealthy more Lao Isan would move to Laos or want to united with Laos. They don't want that. They want to divide and conquer.

Viet are the same they want to kept Lao poor so they can oppressed and control us. They kept Laos underdeveloped for the past 35 year so Lao will move out, more Viet will move in. I don't trust nobody because everybody has their own agenda and national interest. I don't trust the French, Thai, Chinese or Viet. Only Lao will love Lao.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #17 - 2nd Mar, 2011 at 1:12am
That's the thing. Our neighbouring countries benefit from the fact that Laos is a poor country.

There's lots of corruption happening in Cambodia as well. Hun Sen has been their PM for the last 13 or 14 years, and still continuing. In Laos, we change our leaders regularly. The new Lao PM was appointed in 2010.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #18 - 2nd Mar, 2011 at 5:02pm
One party system is alway more corrupted, then multi-political party. Because there's no freedom of speech, press so nobody can speak out against corrupt officials or wrong doing. "Absolute power corrupt." Look at Egypt or Libya these leader been in power for decade which also make their friends and family very wealthy.  

Laos also rank pretty high in corruption, but at least Cambodia has multi party, people has the right to votes, form union and hold peaceful protest. I think Cambodian will have more freedom in the future when the new generation of Khmer is in power and corrupt Hun Sen regime out.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #19 - 3rd Mar, 2011 at 12:39am
I don't deny that Laos has corruption, but Cambodia is also in the same boat. If you think that people can speak out in Cambodia, then maybe you should read the article below.

Dictator Hun Sen, the prime minister of Cambodia and one of the most dangerous criminals on this planet responsible for torture and deaths of thousands of people surrounded himself with personal allies who stuff money that should go to the treasury to provide for the people, into their own, deep pockets.

Hun Sen has been murdering people since his young age and has no problem living with blood on his hands. Everyone daring to oppose him is removed, while his closest compatriots reap the benefit of billions of dollars Cambodia generates every year. The economy is purposefully kept stagnant so the people remain poor, while select few enjoy lifestyles beyond imagining, staying completely and entirely untouchable by law.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #20 - 3rd Mar, 2011 at 3:30am
That lady is my idol. We need more patriots like these guys! I like how she said to not waste your time arguing with these guys; just hit him over the head. LOL! I kind of feel sorry for them though. They must be on some kind of 
blacklist-slash-obituary wish-list. I don't think they have been home since they left. What a shame.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #21 - 3rd Mar, 2011 at 9:41am
llX wrote on 27th Feb, 2011 at 11:04pm:
การเมือง ลาว Laos politics

He is full of shit and propaganda, he is a pro Loyal family in Laos. Loyal family have done nothing for Laos,but them self. if the Loyal family have done good for Lao people.Laos will never be under communise control.

Theses people are narrow minded and racist. We all came from north(China) The real native of Laos is Khar people living along South of Laos. I don't care who come over to live in Laos as long as they building up Laos, Loyal to the land that give the wealth and peace.

On the another hand! you are living in The U.S.A(I just guess here). They gave you the right to live, work,Ownership of property,business,vote and too many to list here. and take it away and tell you to go back to Laos. What would you do? Do you think that is fair? Chinese and Vietnamese have migrant  to Laos for many generations.They are there for the hardship in their country. it just like us.going there as refugee.

If you take Lao to live in China or Vietnam most of us will not survive there. because They are very hard working people and these people rather not eat and put their children to the best education. What do we do? We want what ever they have ,but we don't want to work for it. What do we do for our Children! We wait for other nation to give us the Aid so we can build school to educate out kids. if we want to build the road and rail. we wait again for other nations to build for us. What kind of pride do we just relies on other nation only. When can we stand on our own feet.

We shouldn't be jealous of these people, but we should learning from them how they did it and make it better than them. Think about it, if they are not going there to invest...What do you think Laos would be now. I am sure Laos will be just as bad as 1975.  The communise doesn't know about business at all.

The only way we can escape from poverty is to educate our kids and make them work hard......   

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Re: Laos politics
Reply #22 - 3rd Mar, 2011 at 8:39pm
Royal Lao family are pro-democracy and wanted what's best for Laos. Anything is better then Commies. Laos is behind because we are alway under the control of foreign power. Not much anybody can do. Laos was under Siam, French, American and now Vietnam. If Viet Cong want to take over Indochina they will they has defeat the Japanese, Chinese, French and America. So 7 million Laos has no chance against 85million Vietnam. I just hope 100 year from now Laos don't get overrun by illegal Chinese and Viet immigrant.
Wink Cool Shocked

Tee wrote on 3rd Mar, 2011 at 9:41am:
llX wrote on 27th Feb, 2011 at 11:04pm:
การเมือง ลาว Laos politics

He is full of nuts and propaganda, he is a pro Loyal family in Laos. Loyal family have done nothing for Laos,but them self. if the Loyal family have done good for Lao people.Laos will never be under communise control.

Theses people are narrow minded and racist. We all came from north(China) The real native of Laos is Khar people living along South of Laos. I don't care who come over to live in Laos as long as they building up Laos, Loyal to the land that give the wealth and peace.

On the another hand! you are living in The U.S.A(I just guess here). They gave you the right to live, work,Ownership of property,business,vote and too many to list here. and take it away and tell you to go back to Laos. What would you do? Do you think that is fair? Chinese and Vietnamese have migrant  to Laos for many generations.They are there for the hardship in their country. it just like us.going there as refugee.

If you take Lao to live in China or Vietnam most of us will not survive there. because They are very hard working people and these people rather not eat and put their children to the best education. What do we do? We want what ever they have ,but we don't want to work for it. What do we do for our Children! We wait for other nation to give us the Aid so we can build school to educate out kids. if we want to build the road and rail. we wait again for other nations to build for us. What kind of pride do we just relies on other nation only. When can we stand on our own feet.

We shouldn't be jealous of these people, but we should learning from them how they did it and make it better than them. Think about it, if they are not going there to invest...What do you think Laos would be now. I am sure Laos will be just as bad as 1975.  The communise doesn't know about business at all.

The only way we can escape from poverty is to educate our kids and make them work hard......  

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Re: Laos politics
Reply #23 - 3rd Mar, 2011 at 8:42pm
Larb Dip wrote on 3rd Mar, 2011 at 3:30am:
That lady is my idol. We need more patriots like these guys! I like how she said to not waste your time arguing with these guys; just hit him over the head. LOL! I kind of feel sorry for them though. They must be on some kind of  
blacklist-slash-obituary wish-list. I don't think they have been home since they left. What a shame.

Freedom and Democracy for Laos. Only 5 Commies country left in the world. "Long live Lan Xang."
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #24 - 4th Mar, 2011 at 6:50am
Admin Saovaluck wrote on 2nd Mar, 2011 at 1:12am:
That's the thing. Our neighbouring countries benefit from the fact that Laos is a poor country.

There's lots of corruption happening in Cambodia as well. Hun Sen has been their PM for the last 13 or 14 years, and still continuing. In Laos, we change our leaders regularly. The new Lao PM was appointed in 2010.

Stop blaming other nation for our Poor Educated and Laziness nation. After Vietnam War, Vietnam have nothing left..but land....and a few building left....look at them now....and look at us now... That is telling Lazy we are compare to them....I rest my case!
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #25 - 4th Mar, 2011 at 7:30am
I agree that Lao people are generally lazy, and not very smart. However, there are many improvements in Laos.

There are many Vietnamese people living in Laos, and many more want to come to Laos. That tells us something doesn't it?
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #26 - 4th Mar, 2011 at 7:51am
If giving and opportunity. Whatever you can do Lao can do it too. Why are Lao-American, Lao- Australia, Lao-Canada, Lao-French doing well with good jobs and good education? because they has better opportunity.

Many Viet want to come to Laos because they're overpopulated and poorer, but you can't let every in. No country in the world allow illegal immigrant to overrun their country.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #27 - 4th Mar, 2011 at 7:55am
Admin Saovaluck wrote on 4th Mar, 2011 at 7:30am:
I agree that Lao people are generally lazy, and not very smart. However, there are many improvements in Laos.

There are many Vietnamese people living in Laos, and many more want to come to Laos. That tells us something doesn't it?

Lao people are hard worker. They want to work, but there're not many good paying jobs in Laos so they go work in Thailand. Lao move out Viet move in. Sound like replacement policy.
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #28 - 4th Mar, 2011 at 11:11am
llX wrote on 4th Mar, 2011 at 7:51am:
If giving and opportunity. Whatever you can do Lao can do it too. Why are Lao-American, Lao- Australia, Lao-Canada, Lao-French doing well with good jobs and good education? because they has better opportunity.

Many Viet want to come to Laos because they're overpopulated and poorer, but you can't let every in. No country in the world allow illegal immigrant to overrun their country.

Really! I haven't see or hear they are doing that well. Most of the Laos doing well that living in the third country are either have Chinese,Vietnamese,kmong and Thai dum origin or parent. Most of Laos Lum aren't doing that well! by the matter in fact..a lot of them are in the Gang related crime. Why! Most of Laos Lum don't give a hood about they kids education. Most of them work 8 hours and 3 hours travelling to and from work. on the weekend the Dad will set with other dad drinking alcohol or day dreaming about how to spend their money when they won the Loto. The Mom will sit with other Mom in the round table plying they Tam Dang(Play card)

But other Lao will work and take exactly the same time to travel and from work as Lao lum. but When they got home they either bring their work with them or will have another part-time work. by the time they got home will be midnight. and they will make sure they cook for their kid the next day meal and on the weekend. they will work part-time in the restaurant or market. Why do they want to do work so hard...Firstly they will make sure they buying their own home and than they kids education.

Only Hard work and education can help Laos get out the poverty. Than the opportunity will come and follow with the wealth and than freedom.....
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Re: Laos politics
Reply #29 - 4th Mar, 2011 at 5:01pm
Life must be tough for you. In America if you work hard and spend less that's how you have money. But some make more spend more. Most are doing well some are not. Many Lao-America are hard worker, and  driving nice car, nice house living the American dream. Many Lao-American I know are also doing well.

Tee wrote on 4th Mar, 2011 at 11:11am:
llX wrote on 4th Mar, 2011 at 7:51am:
If giving and opportunity. Whatever you can do Lao can do it too. Why are Lao-American, Lao- Australia, Lao-Canada, Lao-French doing well with good jobs and good education? because they has better opportunity.

Many Viet want to come to Laos because they're overpopulated and poorer, but you can't let every in. No country in the world allow illegal immigrant to overrun their country.

Really! I haven't see or hear they are doing that well. Most of the Laos doing well that living in the third country are either have Chinese,Vietnamese,kmong and Thai dum origin or parent. Most of Laos Lum aren't doing that well! by the matter in fact..a lot of them are in the Gang related crime. Why! Most of Laos Lum don't give a hood about they kids education. Most of them work 8 hours and 3 hours travelling to and from work. on the weekend the Dad will set with other dad drinking alcohol or day dreaming about how to spend their money when they won the Loto. The Mom will sit with other Mom in the round table plying they Tam Dang(Play card)

But other Lao will work and take exactly the same time to travel and from work as Lao lum. but When they got home they either bring their work with them or will have another part-time work. by the time they got home will be midnight. and they will make sure they cook for their kid the next day meal and on the weekend. they will work part-time in the restaurant or market. Why do they want to do work so hard...Firstly they will make sure they buying their own home and than they kids education.

Only Hard work and education can help Laos get out the poverty. Than the opportunity will come and follow with the wealth and than freedom.....

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« Last Edit: 4th Mar, 2011 at 6:32pm by llX »  
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