Admin Saovaluck wrote on 5
th Mar, 2011 at 7:21pm:
Even with protection, you still have to be careful. Legalizing prostitution reduces rape is abit silly. Anyone can get raped while walking on the streets. The offender can now make excuses, "I thought she was a prostitute".
Do you even go to jail for light smacking in New Zealand?
Is a smack not as "light" as discipline gets? I have read in the papers where some parents have had the misfortune of spending time behind bars, simply because they didn't take the law seriously. If caught heavy-handed, you will definitely be pleading your case inside the family court room. For me, personally, I think that it should be the parents' right to discipline their child how they want. As long as the kid learns the lesson (and doesn't die) then I believe the positives out weigh the negative. I remember when I was young, I used to get disciplined with that little wooden paddle they use to beat the rice. Sometimes the rice had already dried up and clung onto it. Akin to getting hit with a piece of timber where the stray nails protrude. Stung for a whole month!
You're right: anyone can get raped. But with the legalization of prostitution, it makes it "easier" for sexually frustrated men to get that relief. " 'I thought she was a prostitute' " is no-where near a good enough excuse. Not paying for any service is a criminal offense in anyone's language. By the way, even prostitutes can claim ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) as long as they pay taxes. For instance, if, say, they turned up to work one day and had an "accident". Maybe while playing intimate games, someones joystick went in too deep which resulted in a sore throat and her unable to perform at the level expected. She can apply for ACC. (They pay 80% of her wages while the employer pays the remaining 20%). She can still work under-the-table though. Just minus the fellatio.
Hows that?