Admin Saovaluck wrote on 26
th Sep, 2010 at 11:38pm:
If people in Laos start earning figures like America, Singapore and Japan , there will be changes in the consumer price index. Goods and services will become more expensive, the poor will suffer further, and tourists will opt to stay in cheaper destinations such as Thailand and Vietnam.
In Laos, people are not overworked like many countries. It's good that in America, workers can demand better pay unlike the olden day slavery. A company won't listen to one voice though, you need a large group to get involved.
Inflation. No problem here government policy, education, big business, customer buying power keep the economies going. That's why China, Vietnam become sucessful they are capitalist socialist.
Supply and demand. If people has more buying power they'll spend more. Company then need to hire more worker making those good. It keep the economies rolling. Good and service might be expansive in America, but people also has many choice if they want to buy $50,000 house or $500,000. A $15,000 car or $100,000 car. People get in finacial problem here because spend more then they make, and buy something they can't afford.
People go where there is jobs and opportunity. Nobody want to be poor. That's why many young Lao go work in Thailand cause the pay more. That's why million and million around the world want to come live in US, Japan or Singapore. If Japan, Singapore, US, EU give Lao poeple visa and tell them you can get good health care, education and make $50,000 a year working here. I bet you 6 million out of 6.8 million people in Laos will take the offer. Will you take the offer?