Here's a good one for you Aussies. In America we say "bathroom/restroom", you guys say "toilet". Which sounds more appropriate? I mean if I was eating a meal and someone says I gotta use the toilet...that would make me lose my appetite because of the image. If you were to say "restroom/bathroom" then I have many images such as sink, mirror, bathtub,etc. Basically it doesn't sound as disgusting.
It's kind of funny I have cousins with a strong southern Aussie accent I can barely understand them, I literally had to ask them to speak Lao instead. lol
America is different I agree, but, you gotta realize regardless how bad our government is people around the world accept America as world leader, and I want to know why? Many countries import American Movies (entertainment), literature, culture,etc..It makes no sense. I'm sure US is in debt, what happens when they can't pay China back? Guess what would happen if it's the last resort? America has been trying to start problems with IRAN in previous years, North Korea, even Russia. I don't think American government really cares about other countries or even their own citizens. We're nothing but sheep to them. They want WW3 to happen. That is the only way to erase their debt, an excuse for war.