Good dye mate!
I was just wondering where you get your info from? Can you give us some links to verify your statements, otherwise they don't really have any substance, you know what I mean...
"They're lazy because they can afford to be lazy, the land is fertile and basic neccessity is abundant."
Can you tell me why Lao people are malnutritioned? You are correct that they are not lazy, they just don't have anything to do, no jobs, no money to do anything."Do you know that Most Japs has no enough to eat that's why they live so long (if you eat lass you live longer)."
You mean if I starve and become anorexic I won't die but live longer than someone who eats a healthy diet? No wonder those ethiopians don't eat. The japanese have plenty to eat, they just don't have the money to buy meat cause it's expensive so they savour it. Maybe you've never seen a sumo wrestler?
"China is so polluted cancer is widespread"
I didn't know there was a direct corellation between cancer and polution. I didn't think cancer cared if you lived in a clean or dirty environment.
"US's democracy is dicated by big coporations and most people work like slaves (except lawyer and docs)."
Welcome to corporate america. Let me know of a country that is not influenced by their wealthiest citizens. I get paid to work, I could also collect unemployment or welfare or a gov't loan to go to school. Slaves are the ones in China making $1 a day in the sweat shops and then get kicked out onto the streets when the US economy slows down and stops buying Chinese cheap goods."Every country is try to industrialise, there will be so much competition that country can't make enough profit to feed their population."
You might want to take a look at Canada.
"The future is agriculture and natural resources, which Laos still has plenty, the best thing is Hydro electricity, you guys sits on a gold mine and not realising it."
Too bad it doesn't belong to the Laos people, anymore.
"Thailand is the primary investor in the hydroelectric sector; Australia, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Norway, and Sweden also have companies with interests in various projects.""Be content and happy that is what I found in most people in Laos"
"Baw pen nyang""there is no more communist even North Korea is openning up"
I have been waiting for over 30 years for Laos to be "opening up".
The only thing North Korea is opening up is another nuclear facility like Iran.