1. My wife left me. I love her very much. Divorce never makes anybody "set." Marrying for "more money" never makes any body set. People should be selling their love, love is free, not purchased and not rented.
2. Maybe some other guy offered her more money. Or maybe she thinks she will get more money. Maybe she will get more ice cream, then get fat and hide in a closet, but she will get "more." No man or woman can ever be appeased, not me, not you, not her, not him. Try to be appeased or appease another. You will notice a 100% failure rate.
3. America has nothing to do with Laos. Wrong. Once China announces it is no longer supporting America's debt ... within 15 days, the world will go into a depression that is unparalleled.
4. People need a mate that will be theirs regardless of circumstances, wealth, or fortunes coming or going. Love is not what you can take but what you can give.
5. I am very lonely right now. I would like to meet a really beautiful woman to LOVE ME, but not one to "sex me." I am not interested in sex, I am interested in love. Love is giving, love is not taking. Divorce is just wrong, it affects thousands and thousands of people, just two people have networks that are amazingly large, and which become alarmingly noticeable when divorce and separation enters. Mental problems come mostly from divorce
hotlaogirl wrote on 29
th Sep, 2010 at 1:31pm:
Re: Prostitution in Laos ? Why Lao?
Reply #127 - Yesterday at 8:06am
Quote: I don't think that America has real problems. There's a mixture of problems and wonderful things in every country including Laos.
I think you are incorrect - America has real problems. They may solve them but they are there. For example, figures were released just today that show 1% of the population control 50% of the wealth and income of the country. The top 2% control 75% of the wealth and income of the people. Thats the highest disproportionate of wealth ever, even higher than 1928 before the Great Depression! This has been made possible by 40 years of Republican rule (just like the before the Great Depression) with high taxes and cutting services to general public while slashing taxes of the very rich. This cannot continue - if it does US will just be another "banana republic"... And new figures released today show 35% of blacks now live below the poverty line. Thats more than a 1/3 of a significant minority in the country. No country with such a large underclass of its citizens living below the poverty level "has no real problems" especially in a country like the US with little or no safety net for its less well off citizens. Likewise, a country that by far locks up more of its citizens in prison than any other country does not have problems. Worse, the country is totally bankrupt. Our insane wars have bankrupted the country. It would take 5 TRILLION DOLLARS just to cover the US short term debt. We don't have it. At some point in time the Chinese and others who finance our debt are going to get fed up with loaning the US money and being paid back in worthless dollars. The dollar has declined 95% of its value since the US went off the gold standard in the early 70s. When the rest of the world stops accepting dollars all hell is going to break loose. Don't tell me the US doesn't have serious problems. But the overwhelming majority of people in the US are "fat, dumb and happy" and don't realize whats going on. As such the problems are not being addressed and growing worse.
What does this have to do with Laos? I don't know except there are a lot of Laotians here (I consider Laotian kids born here in the US to still be Laotian even though they are US citizens. Correct?) in the US. I haven't been affected yet. My mother divorced my dad and married a rich American and after some problems went back to him so we are set. But not everybody is and everybody will be affected if the US goes down the tubes.