Buk Hoo Kee
Senior Member
Posts: 358
Age: 32
Awards: 2
I'm in the dirty south and it's hot in here. Summers are around 40C with humidity and winters, if you can call it that are around 10C and I don't even need to turn on my heat. When I lived in Canada, the summers were around 20-30C and winters were a chilly -25C on average, otherwise -35C with the windchill. I hated snow and I hated hearing people in tropical countries tell me how pretty snow is since they've never even seen it ever. Try to live in it for 6 months out of a year, driving in it, walking in it, shovelling it, freezing in it, then tell me how pretty you think it is then. I think the perfect weather is having all 4 seasons present throughout the year. I lived on the west coast and it was somewhat like that, summers were warm, autumn had colorful leaves, winter was a wonderland, and spring showers bloomed fresh flowers. I was a poet and didn't even know it. I wonder if we have to worry about things like typhoons or tsunami's or floods from heavy rains in laos. I know there is a rainy season and most bamboo houses are built off the ground, maybe to avoid flooding. I think I saw a rainbow while in Luang Prabang on top of the monument overlooking the city.