Buk Hoo Kee
Senior Member
Posts: 358
Age: 32
Awards: 2
I like all the real pictures, they really help me understand how it is to actually live there and what daily life is like. I have a friend who goes to that university and she wears that same uniform with a blue tie. So how many students are there in that school and why do some of them wear the darker blue uniforms? What programs are available there?
Speaking of restaurants, when I was there, I did notice that the chairs were simple plastic or wooden chairs, not cuishioned like we are acustomed to here in north america. I think it's easier to clean that way and maintain but not so luxurious but these were at simple street level places. There were some good restaurants in laungprabang that i went to where the food was too good that I didn't care what kind of chair i was in. Maybe someone will come up with a business idea to manufacture and sell restaurant furniture in laos. I have such an entrepreneurial mind, haha.
Do people in laos mind if you take pictures of them like that and post it on the web. I guess they have no choice, hehe. I'm curious where the spy cam will go next, how about the inside of a public washroom in laos?